Improving AI-Generated Faces

GFPGAN (Generative Facial Prior — Generative Adversarial Network) is a free-to-use open AI project incorporating algorithms for human face restoration.

John Iovine
5 min readSep 3, 2022

This GAN (generative adversarial network) improves the quality of human faces, it has both a restorative effect and upscaling (increasing the resolution) on the image quality. If you have blurry facial images, this AI can impressively sharpen the image.

Developed by researchers at Chinese company Tencent, this tool is free to use and may be downloaded.

Practical Uses

It’s a great tool for restoring old and/or damaged photographs. My interest was fixing AI-generated portraits that sometimes create facial images that are a little wonky.

Pretty Little Wrapper

This website has placed the GFPGAN style AI in a pretty simple-to-use wrapper. Go to;

to access the tool, upload your picture, wait, and viola’ one sharpened image,



John Iovine

Science writer, thinker, self-experimenter, focusing on personal development and health —