Understanding Fat — The Secret To Getting Your Body Fat Under Control
Fat is an organ, reducing your body fat begins with understanding how it functions.
America has a growing obesity problem
We have gone from a country with a population obesity of less than 14% (1960) to a population obesity of over 38% (2014). The impact on the health of America’s population has been devastating, with related increases in metabolic syndrome that include diabetes and high blood pressure¹.
Reducing the amount of excess fat you’re carrying will not only make you look and feel better, but it also has many positive health benefits.
Not all fat is bad. Your body needs fat to be healthy. There is a body fat percentage chart that details the ranges of healthy body fat.
Fat is not an accumulation of inert cells. Fat is not inert. Fat is an organ, a part of your endocrine system. As part of your endocrine system, it can receive and transmit chemical messages to your brain and the rest of your body.