Using an artist’s name to influence text-to-art AI rendering.

Hints and tips to improve your AI text-to-art renderings

John Iovine
2 min readNov 12, 2022
Rendering by the author — artists style Alphonse Mucha

Artists’ names are commonly used in text prompts for generating artwork. I ran a test to gauge the impact. I ran four texts in Midjouney; these results are similar to results obtained using stable diffusion and other AI rendering platforms.

The following images were created using the same prompt; the only thing that changed in the prompt was the artist’s name.


“a beautiful female in a “space suit,” with alien planet background, by [ artist name]”

The following results are for your perusal.

Rendering by the author — artists style Paul Hedey
Rendering by the author — artists style Camile Pissarro
Rendering by the author — artists style Sumi-E Art



John Iovine

Science writer, thinker, self-experimenter, focusing on personal development and health —